Flash player update windows 10
Flash player update windows 10

flash player update windows 10

We've introduced a new ActionScript feature that allows hardware accelerated video to be used as a source texture in a Stage3D environment.

flash player update windows 10

  • VideoTexture Support in AIR for Windows, Mac and iOS.
  • With this improvement, we can now compile 32 and 64 bit architecture in parallel to cut packaging times up to 50 percent.
  • ADT Packaging Time Improvement with Support for Parallel Compilation for iOSĪIR 16 introduced support for compilation and packaging of iOS applications for both 32 bit and 64 bit platforms.
  • In future versions we'll work to further improve the user experience of our installers. The Mac installer will no longer request users close the Chrome browser during installation.
  • Flash Player Mac Installer Improvements.
  • flash player update windows 10

    We've also clarified how Chrome and Chromium (PPAPI) users can edit their Flash Player settings. The system control panel will now display the currently installed version of Flash Player's ActiveX, NPAPI, and PPAPI plugins. Flash Player Control Panel Improvements.De release notes voor deze uitgave zijn hieronder te vinden. Adobe AIR biedt een crossplatform-omgeving voor het ontwikkelen en afspelen van zogeheten Rich Internet Applications. Onder meer populaire videosites als YouTube en Google Video bieden hun bezoekers de mogelijkheid om video's met de stand-alone-Flash Player af te spelen. Met Adobe Flash Player is het mogelijk om Flash-content, voornamelijk swf-bestanden, op de computer af te spelen. Adobe heeft versie 17 uitgebracht van Flash Player en de Integrated Runtime.

    Flash player update windows 10